🇯🇵 JP PayPal Fee Calculator

Calculate PayPal fees & profit in Japan!

Up-to-date as of 15 Aug 2024

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Japan PayPal Fees Structure

PayPal offers multiple products for merchants in Japan and they all charge different fees.

PayPal usually charges a fixed percentage of the transaction plus a fixed fee depending on the currency. The fixed percentage will also varies depending on the monthly transaction. The more transaction per month, the lower the fixed percentage.

If the buyer is from Japan, each transaction starts from 3.6% of the total selling price + ¥40.
If the buyer is from overseas, each transaction starts from 4.1% of the total selling price + ¥40.

If the payment is not in JPY, the fixed fee will vary based on the currency.

For more information, please refer to PayPal Seller Fees.

There is no further discount for nonprofits.

PayPal JP merchant fees


This is the most common PayPal transaction.

Domestic transactions International transactions
3.6% + ¥40 4.1% + ¥40


Your account needs to be upgraded by PayPal before you can enjoy the benefits of Micropayments.

Domestic transactions International transactions
5% + ¥7 6% + ¥7

PayPal JP consumer fees

Buying with PayPal

It’s free to buy with PayPal.

Receiving money

It’s free to receive money from your friends and family.